Ok Im just copying and pasting this list from the
Preemie Chatter website Some of the terms of abbreviations used on this blog are not listed below so when I come across one I will add it to the list below.
* Anemia: Low level of red blood cells.
* Apnea: A prolonged pause in breathing. This is a common problem in premature infants and may require monitoring or medication.
* Aspiration: Inhaling a foreign substance into the lungs, such as formula or amniotic fluid.
* Bagging: Pumping air into the baby's lungs using a rubber bag. This is a temporary measure to help a baby who needs help breathing.
* Bilirubin: A yellow-pigmented waste product that forms when the body naturally eliminates old red blood cells. It may make the skin and eyes look yellow.
* Blood gas: Blood test used to monitor the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
* Blood transfusion: Procedure in which a small amount of blood is given slowly through a vein.
* Bradycardia (Brady): A slowing of the baby's heart rate.
* Care center/radiant warmer: An open bed with an overhead warmer used to maintain baby's body temperature.
* CAT scan: Special x-ray examination.
* Chronic lung disease (CLD): Previously known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), this is chronic changes in the baby's lungs.
* Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP): Maintaining low pressure in the airways to keep the lungs expanded.
* Cyanosis: Blueness of the skin as a result of decreased oxygen levels.
* Echocardiogram: Special ultrasound that enables the cardiologist to get a picture of the heart.
* EEG: A test to record the electrical activity of the brain.
* EKG/ECG: A test to record the electrical activity of the heart.
* Endotracheal tube (ET tube): A tube that passes through either the baby's mouth or nose into the windpipe (trachea) to allow oxygen into the lungs.
* Fontanel: Soft spots in the baby's head where the skull bones have not yet joined together.
* Gavage feedings (tube feedings): Providing nutrition through a plastic tube passed through the baby's mouth or nose and into the stomach.
* Gram: A unit of weight (i.e. 28 grams = one ounce; 454 grams = one pound).
* Hearing screening: Method to screen for hearing or hearing loss.
* Heel stick: A blood sample obtained by pricking the baby's heel.
* Hypoxia: A low level of oxygen in the baby's blood.
* Intravenous (IV) therapy: Nutrition or medication given through a vein.
* Intraventrivular Hemmorage (IVH): Another term for Brain bleed, Grades are I-IV with IV being the first
* Isolette: A type of enclosed bed for an infant who is not mature or well enough to maintain her body temperature in an open crib.
* Jaundice: A yellow skin color that develops in most premature babies and in some full-term babies.
* Kangaroo care: Skin-to-skin care where the baby is placed on the bare chest of the mother or father.
* Meconium: Dark-green material found in the baby's intestines. It's the first bowel movement after birth; it's occasionally passed while the baby is still inside the mother.
* Murmur: An extra sound heard in the chest that results from abnormal blood flow patterns. It may be due to structural heart lesions, though most have no significance.
* Nasal cannula: Small prongs placed in the baby's nose that delivers oxygen.
* NPO: Latin abbreviation for "nothing by mouth." If the baby is kept NPO, all feedings will be give intravenously.
* Oxygen: Part of the air we breathe. Ordinary room air contains about 21 percent oxygen. Sick or premature infants often need extra oxygen, sometimes even 100 percent pure oxygen.
* Oxyhood: A clear plastic box that's placed over the baby's head to provide additional oxygen and moisture.
* Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line): Special intravenous (IV) catheter used when IV therapy or antibiotics are administered for a long period of time.
* Phototherapy: Treatment of jaundice using ultraviolet lights. The baby's eyes must remain covered for protection.
* Pneumonia: An inflammation of the lungs. In newborns, this is most commonly due to infection or aspiration.
* Pulse oximeter: A machine that measures how well the blood is being oxygenated.
* Reflux: A backward flow of stomach contents, generally referring to a type of vomiting, spitting up or regurgitation common in premature infants.
* Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS): Lung disease that is caused by lack of surfactant (lubricant in the lungs) and is a common cause of breathing difficulty in premature babies.
* Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): A condition that develops in the eyes of some premature babies where the retina buckles and pulls away from the eyeball.
* Seizure: A brief period of increased electrical activity in the brain. The baby's body may tense up and she may lose consciousness for a few moments.
* Sepsis: An infection somewhere in the baby's body.
* Small for gestational age (SGA): A baby who is small at birth because of poor growth in the womb.
* Spinal tap/lumbar puncture: A procedure in which a needle is inserted into the lower spine to obtain spinal fluid.
* Suctioning: The process of removing secretions from the baby's nose, mouth or lungs by using either a bulb syringe or suction catheter.
* Surfactant: A lubricant that lines the small air-filled sacs in the lungs and keeps the lungs from sticking together.
* Tachycardia: A fast heart rate.
* Tachypnea: A fast breathing rate.
* Tremors: Shaking or trembling of the face or limbs.
* Ultrasound: A diagnostic test that uses sound waves to look at the structure of internal organs.
* Umbilical catheter: Catheter inserted into the baby's umbilical cord that is used to either draw blood or give IV fluids.
* Ventilator: A machine that helps an infant breathe by pumping oxygen into a tube that goes into the lungs.
* Wean: To take away gradually. In the NICU or SCN, it is often used to describe the process of removing an infant from a ventilator or isolette.