Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Belly pic progression...

4 weeks:


6 weeks:


14 weeks:


Me and Kaia bellies.. 17 weeks:


19 weeks:


23 weeks:


24 weeks:


25.. The day before my water broke:


And an "After" pic... Woohoo, right?



Having my body back is nice and all... but not when she is supposed to still be in there!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's a good thing you take such frequent pictures since you don't stay pregnant as long as the rest of us and you don't get as huge. I don't think I took my first belly picture with any of my pregnancies until I was at least 4 months along. And my last picture with my first baby was three weeks before I had him because I expected him to stay in at least a couple more weeks and kept procrastinating. If I hadn't had a professional shoot 5 days before I had my last, I wouldn't have taken a picture with that one, either, because I really do expect to make it to my due date, not 37 weeks! Still "full-term" but earlier than I prepare for!

Anyway, looks like you did a good job gaining weight during that second trimester!